Carol Indexes
Carols with a difference. Centuries old living tradition from communities in Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

Awake and Arise

Awake and arise, and hail the blest morn,
Whereon that our Lord and Saviour was born;
The great Prince of Peace, called Jesus by name,
Our fathers of old recorded the same,
Our fathers of old recorded the same.

Blest Jesus, the Lord, our strength and our aid,
Was born without sin, begotton not made;
He came to redeem poor sinners on earth,
Then let us rejoice in Salvation's birth,
Then let us rejoice in Salvation's birth.

Give thanks unto God, who reigneth on high,
And Jesus, his Son, who for us did die,
And now he sits at his Father's right hand;
We at the last day before him shall stand,
We at the last day before him shall stand.

And there give account for every small crime,
So let us repent, for this is our time;
Our time swiftly flies while we are upon earth,
Then always rejoice in Salvation's birth,
Then always rejoice in Salvation's birth.