Hail happy morn, thrice happy we!
Hail! Hail! Hail happy morn, thrice happy we
Who from our bondage are set free.
From Jesse's side doth spring a ray
And turn our darksome nights to day.
Sweet hallelujah, let us sing,
Sweet hallelujah, let us sing,
To God our Saviour and our King.
Hail! Hail! Hail mighty prince, eternal king,
Let heaven and earth rejoice and sing,
Angels and men with one accord
Break forth in song to praise the Lord.
Hark! Hark! Hark! a glad voice the sinner cheers,
Prepare a way, a God appears.
The dumb doth speak, the dead are raised,
The lame doth walk and sing his praise.
Hail! Hail! Hail happy morn, thrice happy we
Who from our bondage are set free.
From Jesse's side doth spring a ray
And turn our darksome nights to day.