Brightest and Best
Village Carols from Beeston in Nottinghamshire
Beeston has its own remarkable tradition of village carols. Some of these have been passed down from generation to generation for well over 200 years, and are still sung with as much enthusiasm today as they must have been at any time. The custodians of the tradition, the Beeston Methodist Carol Choir, have toured their town every Christmas Eve since their inauguration in the 1870s. Local legend has it that the carols were brought by Yorkshire weavers, who settled in Beeston before 1800 to work in the hosiery trade. Originally the choir was an all-male group, but the loss of life in the First World War prompted the choir to include women. Such has been the strength of the tradition that it was only recently that the local carols were written down.
This high-quality digital recording features 24 carols, including all the local carols alongside the well-known favourites. It comes with a 48-page B5-size book, which tells the story of the carolling at Beeston, plus all the words to the carols as well as a full musical score for eight of the most unusual ones.
Each sale includes a donation to Beeston Chilwell Road Methodist Benevolent Society.